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AI features Personalized Dashboard Login Open your Neto admin panel and go to 'Settings & tools' → 'All settings & tools'. Scroll down to Analytics & 3rd Party Scripts and click on 'Custom Scripts'. Click on 'Add New' located on the top right of your dashboard. Name custom script: 'Findify Revenue Tracking' and leave all 'keys' empty. Site Information.

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Name custom script: 'Findify Revenue Tracking' and leave all 'keys' empty. Go to the 'Purchase Confirmation (Thank You Page)' tab which is the fourth tab and insert the snippet below in the space available under Scripts: Snippets: ©Jiangsu Fengman Trading Co. LTD. All Rights Reserved. Enjoy the ultimate level of Findify support and customization, custom visitor levels, plus access to all the latest Findify features.

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At Findify I am the Front-end lead and am responsible for our Merchant Dashboard. On my free time: I like teaching myself about HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) and CG (Computer Graphics). I love kite- and windsurfing in the summertime, but in the winter most of my activities are Kung-fu and Manga reading.

Findify dashboard

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Where to find the new Recommendations notes section within the Findify dashboard. “It is also important to note that adding or changing notes in this section will not affect how the Recommendations widget is presented to shoppers,” added Mr Goloviznin. Findify is powering the full product experience, throughout search, categories and recommendations. In the dashboard you’ll find actionable analytics and can curate the product experience with manual control.
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Name custom script: 'Findify Revenue Tracking' and leave all 'keys' empty. Site Information. is a subdomain of, which is a medium traffic site with a traffic ranks of in the world and #129,467 in the United States. Domain has a medium pagerank of 4.6, which means that the website has a pretty good amount of backlinks. Requests are handled by AmazonS3 web server, which is hosted by, Inc., located in Canada and associated with IP address Please enter your email address and we’ll send you instructions to reset your password.